As we head into the weekend..... those of you who haven't already; you have a little less than 48 hours to make some type of arrangements, plans, or buy a gift to pay tribute or celebrate maybe I should say.. the one who historically is portrayed as the most important figure in our lives.... I'm talking about mothers.
Now, if you are a husband/father(that's who I'm particularly addressing) of course you have the pleasurable duty of also recognizing THE other important woman in your life... statistically I'm referring to your life partner or wife for half of you... for others simply your ex-wife, mother of your children, etc.
Seriously, if you have kids involved it is critical that you set an example.... let your daughters know how they should expect to be treated when they one day become women and then a mother and if not more critical that you also instill in your sons how he should regard a woman who will one day be his wife hopefully and the mother of his children. Even if you are separated or divorced it is still important even if on a minimalists level that you for the sake of your child(ren) show some of appreciation for the woman who gave you offspring. In doing so you show your child that even when two people fall out of love they can still be respectful of one another (more on this at another time).
So because like so many other holidays Mothers day has become so commercialized; marketers try to convince you the only way you can say thank you is with the most elaborate or expensive gift. This is simply not true. I think any or most mothers will tell you they appreciate the simplest of gifts.... as long as its from the heart. So when thinking of how to recognize mom with your kids this weekend here are a few things to remember:
Make sure the gift IS a gift!
It is MOTHERS day after all... not FAMILY day. So don't go out and buy a 42" plasma screen for the family room and slap a bow on it and yell Happy Mothers Day! Yeah right.... FAIL! The woman who carrried your children for 9 months and works hard... You know what.... I don't think I even need to explain what's wrong about this.
If buying a gift for your child remember SCALE.
If your child is not of age yet or lacks any type of enterpreneurial spirit and you end up buying their gift for them; don't set your child up for failure in future years... If YOU buy a $400 Coach purse that's to be from your 3 year old son.... What are they supposed to get her at 5, 10, or 16? Also if your wife or mother of your children is half as smart as you are... she will know that YOU did all the heavy-lifting on that gift.
Happy Mothers Day...from Luke Jr. FAIL! |
Do something that involves the kids.
While you may do something separately for your wife or mother of your children.... do try to do something where the kids can participate or be involved... something thoughtful. Make her breakfast in bed maybe... take her to a flower show or make dinner that day vs. taking her out. This not only creates a family activity but gives her the opportunity to be surrounded by those who are the most important to her. You know what mothers like.... showing their beautiful family off to OTHER mothers.
Well whatever you do this Mothers day just be sure to do something. As I said.... if you are a father you need to do this for so many reasons; setting an example for your child(ren) first of all.... secondly letting them know you are thankful for the woman who gave you such a wonderful gift.....for without them; you would not be a father.
Thanks for reading... and a happy Mothers day to all my mommy readers and mommy bloggers out there!
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