Not often that I “post” the photo of the day (it has it’s own page). But this was one worth posting, as it is a photo that captures so much. I often speak on my own time, experiences, and influence with my boys Michae and William. But I would be remiss not to talk about the time, energy, and dedication my mom has given to these guys… especially in the past year and 1/2.
It is hard to articulate or define the love they have for each other. It is simply…”The love of Nana”. My mom has 6 grand-children(one on the way) and I know she loves them all dearly, but the bond between her and WiMi is like none I’ve seen. I’m almost jealous. However I am grateful the boys have been blessed to have the time they’ve had with their grandmother. A nurturer, care-provider, and influencer, she has certainly played a significant role in their lives. For that I am thankful , and I know WiMi is.
Thank you Nana for all you do. You are greatly loved and appreciated.
Love, Edward on behalf of Michael and Wm.
Thanks for reading,
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