
New beginnings....

So if you read FatherEd on a regular basis you know that WiMi started preschool this past Mon, which coincided with their 3rd birthday as well.  It was quite a day...  needless to say I didn't sleep at all the night before.  I had a million thoughts running through my head as I pondered my boys starting on a new journey. 

School or no school... nothing stands between Servatiis and WiMi... a b-day tradition.
I had talked to my mom  about preschool and what it was like (for those of the seven siblings that went) taking us to preschool for the first time.  What's amazing is that after raising seven children and well into grandparent-hood ,she's still able to remember each individual child's first day.  I actually remember my first day of preschool well myself.  It was at a neighborhood Presbyterian church at the time.... and my mom taking me to a church in the middle of the day for some reason didn't strike me as odd at all.  I know I didn't cry....  I remember the excitement of being in a room full of toys and games that I could only have dreamed of having at home.  I remember the big yellow circle on the floor where other kids converged to play with the toy of their choice and me joining them.   I vaguely remember looking over my shoulder at one point and seeing my mom standing in the door way. I imagine reluctant to leave.  I don't believe she was crying... but after this past Monday,  I can tell you that her eyes were welling and she had a lump in her throat and that she stood there in amazment that the child she brought into this world had grown up so fast and was off on their way to a "new world" and hoped that the people she was entrusting with my care for the next four hours would make me their first and foremost priority.  I didn't know that then... but I know that now after taking my own sons to preschool.

I went to preschool and didn't turn out so bad.... lol  Can you find me?
Reflecting back on WiMis first day.... I think we both handled it a lot better than I imagined.  I was actually up until hours before contemplating if I was going to go with them....  I didn't want to risk it being too emotional and making it more difficult for the boys.  But I told myself I could never forgive myself if I didn't go.  One of the roles of being father is knowing when you have to "suck it up" and be strong for your kids.  They need your support and they necessarily get that with you sobbing.  At anyrate...  as we arrived at the preschool it was no question that WiMi knew what this was about....  Michael already was asking to go "bye-bye' .  I reminded him of what we talked about all week long and that it was time for him to be a big boy.  Of course I was telling him this while he clung to me for dear life...   or maybe I was clinging to him.  At some point and time I realized it was time to put him down and encourage him to engage with the other kids.  Wm wasted no time being the explorative one.... at one point wandering off into another classroom which has a fish-tank he instantly fell in love with.  

I think Wm is going to spend a lot of time here.

After both their mother and I got a wealth of information from the teacher and spent sometime with the boys....  their mother departed before me.  The instructor had stated that we were welcome to stay the full day...  and  I stayed behind for story time and tried to  engage the boys to sing the abc song....   later they impressed one of the teachers by identifying some colors. Michael of course knew RED, it's his favorite Icee flavor.  After a few more activities was when I was starting to feel awkward....  convinced I was there to make sure the boys were settled in , I waffled on when was the appropriate time to leave. 

They didn't forget...

Around mid-morning one of the teachers announced it was snack time. Obviously routine, most if not all the kids made a b-line to the toddler level soap dispensers and sinks to wash their hands... Michael and Wm slowly followed suit.   As chairs began to fill up around the table...  and a little girl grabbed the seat next to Micahel... Wm "patiently" waited as she moved to another seat.  As the teacher completed distributing the morning snack of juice and graham crackers..  my WiMi looked around at the other kids and looked at me standing in the door way... and folded their hands together to say grace as they had so many times ... so many breakfasts...lunches, and dinners the three years prior.  Thats when I knew it was time to say good-bye.  I knew they were going to be fine. 

Playing together... somethings just never change. 
So after starting preschool , Im really proud of my guys...  as any parent when their child approaches a new milestone or challenge.  Its a new beginning for them as well for me. My role has changed and I hopefully soon will be facing new challenges and beginnings as I try to re-start my career.  One things for certain... as my boys are a testament...   we never back down from a challenge.  

Thanks for reading.



Anonymous said...

Glad their first day went well. I never went to preschool, but I do remember kindergarten pretty well. I brought a leftover piece of chocolate cake as my "snack," and I remember the sideways looks as the other kids ate their (mostly) apples. I went home and told my mom I wanted an apple the next day, lol.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your first day! It sounds like the boys (and you) did really well! My kids are entering pre-K in September and the past two years of preschool have flown by. But it was super hard to leave them in those first days. I commend you for being able to tear away after only a day. And now your real challenge begins - redefining your role as your boys begin to be more and more independent. :)

BTW, I haven't visited in way too long & I wanted to tell you how great your site re-design looks! Very professional & inviting. You're in the big time now. ;-)

Thanks for all your notes on my blog, as well. Always great to hear from you!

cheap kamagra online said...

Nice cake and best wishes for the 3 rd birthday of your child I like your presentation and thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

I tried responding before. But I wanted to say thanks for both your inspiration and insights. It is a close-knit fraternity us "Parents of Twins"

Glad you like the "new" design.... it was intended to be more "inviting" The blog itself is a work in progress and will grow as I grow.

Thanks for your support. I look forward to you guest-blogging on my blog someday.



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