Today our boys finally got their 2 yr. check-up in.... on the day of their 27 month birthday I might add. It had been delayed and re-scheduled for this or that reason over the past 3 months, so it was good to finally get them in and sort of "check under the hood".
Given the amount of time I spend with them and all that we do on any given day I like to believe that they are two pretty healthy boys... but it's so good to be reassured by the pediatrician. Michael gives up about an 1" 1/2 to Wm. but is a little "pudgy" as the Dr. My "little man" a little on the "pudgy" side.... I guess we'll have to work on that with a little more exercise day-to day.
Universal Healthcare... WiMi taking turns performing 2 yr check-up. |
So the Dr. said today that after the 2 year check-up the boys will come back for annual visits. I have to admit I'm somewhat saddened... while I haven't made every single visit , I've tried to make most of them because I do care about my boys health and welfare. I wish that I had the option to take the boys in at least every 6 months. I mean if you drive a Porsche , you take it in for preventative maintenance right?
"Pudgy? Who you calling pudgy? I'm ripped!" |
Well if it's going to be a whole year before their next visit I suppose that means I'm presented with the challenge of matching or exceeding the clean bill of health they received today and I will. I make that pledge to myself and my boys. Of course that means I have a year to work on Mikey's "pudge" right?
Thanks for listening...
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