
Okay... so here goes.(repost)

So FatherEd turns 1 yr today.  I can't believe it... but I stuck w/ it.  Not exactly "Blogger of the Year"  but all in all .... I've had fun.  So here is my 1st post that started it all.  Enjoy! And thanks for reading all this time....

Okay I'm diving into this head-first.  For so long I've been finding every excuse in the world not to start a blog.  Like...  I don't know how to "blog"...   My writing isn't that strong...   the boys are too old now.. which is what I'd like to "blog" about.. My day-to-day  experiences, joys and learnings of being a dad to two of the most beautiful creatures on this Earth... Michael and William aka WiMi. 
So here I go... on my raggedy lap-top with about 2 gb of memory left and stealing the neighbors wifi signal...I bring you "Fathered".  To all those who encouraged me to do this I hope you'll support me now.
One thing I've learned from reading blogs is that everyone is a critic...  so I'm going to leverage that to help me develop into a better writer/blogger.  This blog will be organic.  Starting off it won't have the fancy bells and whistles and gadgets and look pretty.... but it will grow as I grow to become a better writer/blogger, but more importantly as a father, as I use this opportunity share my wonderful journey of fatherhood with the world.
So I welcome your "critiques"  and whatever input, suggestions, advice to help make this become a better blog.
Stay tuned for "Fathered"  for there is more to come.   Thank you for your patience.

Your newest "daddy-blogger"


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